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McAuliffe Middle School

McAuliffe is one of only two alternative middle school programs in CUSD, the other being the CLIP program at Miller. Some adolescents may benefit from a calm, self-contained classroom environment for middle school, with one or two teachers with whom they can develop a strong relationship. McAuliffe's middle school program offers just that. It's a very nurturing environment in which students develop further independence and self-knowledge before entering high school. 

Core Program

  • strong focus on language arts, reading and writing skills, taught as integrated subjects through literature, history/social studies, and science. Curriculum is Inquiry by Design and Units of Study in Writing.

  • College Preparatory Mathematics program (CPM), including Pre-Algebra, Algebra I and Geometry, featuring small groups and multiple teaching approaches. Students work together at different math levels to solve complex problems and develop higher order mathematical thinking skills

  • diverse physical education activities that encourage all students to participate

  • field trips relevant to the curriculum, extending the classroom learning into real world 

Program Structure

  • flexible schedule allows for longer periods of study, small group work, and in-depth projects across the curriculum

  • aides and parent volunteers allow for more small group work

  • varied learning approaches and authentic tasks challenge each student appropriately

  • appropriate challenges and encouragement help students take risks and grow in all areas

We welcome middle school students who have been with us for the elementary years, as well as those who are coming from their neighborhood elementary school. Please sign up for a school tour if you are considering our middle school but your child has not attended McAuliffe for the elementary grades.